Monday, June 13, 2011

Rockin the Green

I finally ordered some Rockin' Green laundry and cloth diaper detergent. I ordered the Hard Rock 2.0 in Rage Against the Raspberry (smells delicious) It arrived just in time as I had a couple of diapers that I was convinced were ruined. We had gone on a road trip and I was not able to rinse the poo off of the diaper in a timely manner. There was a hard build up on the diaper that would NOT come off. I took the Rockin' Green and made a paste that I scrubbed into the liner of the diaper. Then I let it soak for 20 minutes, after a cold, a hot and a second cold rinse the stain and build up was GONE! The only sad part is that due to the second rinse (in my opinion) I could no longer smell the scent, no biggie though.  I must admit I went a little crazy afterwards, trying it on the stains on my carpet, dining room table chairs and the interior of my car. Everything looks good, it may not have removed all the stains, but man it really faded them. I'm so impressed with this stuff, I think I'm now a loyal customer. I placed a second order already with Rockin' Green directly this time and can't wait to smell it. =0)


  1. I have a sample of rockin green! I got it in one of the bundles from Bundles and Buzz! If you haven't heard of them you have got to look them up! I have not tried the rockin green yet. I am new to cloth diapers. My mom was here putting them on my son and when she left I didn't know what to do. So, there were wet and dirty diapers in our laundry room. They sat there until I got around to them. They probably sat for a month! Between my LO being in the hospital and having a car accident, I wasn't getting to anything quickly! Once my mother had returned, bibs, diapers, clothes all had mildew on them! I bought Eco Nuts to clean my cloth diapers with. I had not yet gotten Rockin Green and couldn't afford them at the time. Eco Nuts offered a subscription program through Amazon I believe. This allowed me to get enough to do laundry for several months for only 13.00! Eco nuts work great and leave my laundry fluffy. Eco Nuts however did not get the stains out. After reading your review, I think we need to try our Rockin Green!

  2. Thank you Heather, I will have to check them out. I'm looking to increase my fluff stash. I have never tried Eco-Nuts, but will have to sometime.
