Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hats Galore!

My life has been swallowed alive by hats!!!! I'm definitely NOT complaining though. I've always loved to crochet and now I have something I love to do!!! My husband laughs because I didn't realize exactly how time and energy consuming it would be at first and when I started this little project I got a real bad cold (which I'm still recovering from) and got a little behind. There are a lot of WAHMs out there that I can say I definitely admire for their hard work and dedication. Now that I'm getting over my cold I'm hoping to be able to plan my time better so I can work in blogging and family as well. So my main question in this post is to my WAHMs and even you moms that don't work in the home. How do you balance out your time?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Newest Adventure

I've always loved to crochet and to be creative. I've always been told "you should sell those". Whether it was my drawings, crochet items or paintings. I've finally gotten up the courage to try. I've recently opened an Etsy shop, which you can visit here ------> Dalilah"s Pretties. I've always made my kids their winter hats and now I'd like to share that with everyone. But I haven't decided to stop there. This year I've also decided to make their costumes (if I can talk them into it). I made my daughter a Bumble Bee Tutu dress and I'll be making a Ben 10 costume for my four year old. It's been quite the experience setting a crocheting schedule and taking pictures of what I've made. My kids have become my models and often time like to wear the hats out and about. I've finally ordered some business cards so when we're out and someone asks where they got the "cute" hats I can give them to people. Ok well my daughter is up from her am nap so I'm off to tend to her. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Facebook Status Etiquette

I have a friend who is constantly spouting his political and religious beliefs on Facebook. He has very strong beliefs about politics, religion, philosophy and various other issues in the world and while he has the right to voice his opinion, I honestly no longer care to read his status updates. This month his main focus in 9/11, he will be posting a new documentary and/or news about this horrible event everyday until the anniversary. Now I would like to clarify that I feel that remembering what happened on that day is very important, he on the other hand is a conspiracy theorist and believes it was an "inside job". I'm not sure what bugs me more....having to read his theories or that I feel he is berating the lives lost that day by making his theories seem more important. Do you have a friend or friends that use Facebook to spout their own beliefs about politics, religion....etc? If so how do you handle it? Do you feel it's appropriate for people to do this?

*note: Sorry for the rant. Also I hope I have not offended anyone with this post.