Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hello my name is.......

MOM. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that sometimes I feel that Lauren has been sucked up into a wormhole never to return and she was replaced by "mom". My family and I recently moved to a new town, much smaller than the one that we used to live in. We really don't know much of anyone, that being said we don't get much time to ourselves or with other adults. Sometimes I look at my husband and don't even feel like I know him. As I said before, I know I am not alone in this. Hundreds of women and couples feel this way every day. So my question to you is, how do you find "me" time? and also how do you keep the spark in your relationship?

1 comment:

  1. It's always tough to meet new friends. It takes time to rebuild your community. (Or it does for me). My "me" time is typically late in the evening after the baby is off to sleep.
