Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cloth Diaper Confusion

I am still in the infancy of my transition to cloth diapers so I'm constantly looking for different brands, types etc. During the time I was researching I got mixed reactions from people that I asked from "It's easy", " I love it" to "Why would you want to deal with all that extra work?". I have a few brands in my stash now but still have yet to make up my mind as to what my ABSOLUTE favorite is. I've tried the Flip diaper system which is good for maybe just sitting around at home, but I would'nt take them on long trips. My reasoning behind that is the inserts bunch and when my daughter poos, it gets all over the cover which then leads to that cover being only a one time user. I've tried multiple pocket diapers including BumGenius, DryBees and FuzziBunz. Now I do have to take this opportunity to say that I love the pocket diapers especially the FuzziBunz, the only downfall is the price. They can be quite expensive and are one time use diapers. I just recently ordered GroVias from Earth Angels Diaper Co. while they were on special for Buy three get one free. I will be doing a review and giveaway on this diapering system to celebrate getting my blog up and running. Once I'm done with the prepping process for the GroVias that I am keeping, I will post a review and details on how to enter to win the other one. Thanks again for reading and talk to y'all soon.

It's B-A-N-A-N-A-S

So this is my first review (unfortunately no giveaway on this one though). I would like to state that I have not (nor will I) be compensated for this review. I am doing this for informational purposes only. The Baby Bullet, as some of you may already know purees food turning it into yummy goodness for your little one. The Baby Bullet comes with the power base, a large batchbowl, two short cups, a spatula, a flat blade and a cross blade, two stay fresh resealable lids, a batch tray (for freezing food), six date dial storage cups, tray, a pocket nutritionist book and lastly a user guide and cook book.

My initial thought upon opening the box is that it was just a small (yet super cute) blender. The first night we  got it we made banana puree and to explain how I did so, I'm including the recipe.

      You need:
              -One whole raw banana
              -1/4 cup water
      You add both of the ingredients into the short cup ( I sliced the banana), twist on the cross blade then          puree until you achieve  the proper texture.

This recipe filled three of the date dial storage cups. The feature I really like about these cups is you can show the date you made it to ensure the freshness of you little ones food. I instantly fed my daughter one of the servings and she LOVED the fresh bananas. Overall, I believe the Baby Bullet is an awesome product for parents interested in making their own baby food. Well thank you SO much for reading! I'm really hoping to improve my review skills, any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First Official Post!

Hello! I'm Lauren, a stay-at-home mom and creativity junkie. I'm truly hoping to get this blog up and running but my computer died and I'm posting from my phone. In this blog I'll be talking about my adventures in marriage, my creative ventures and my new found love for crunchy parenting. I'd love to eventually incorporate reviews and giveaways into my blog so please stay tuned, subscribe and be patient with me. Thank you!